Empty Classroom office of the day

My office for the day

Sometimes, when it comes to work, you have to improvise. I had planned on being home by lunch time and working in my home office, but things changed. We were informed yesterday at work that because so many teachers had Professional Development, we would not be allowed to leave early, and if we did, we had to use vacation time (which I have none!). Because of all of this, we have to work from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. which makes for a very long day when you have nothing to do. As for me, I decided that I would bring my external hard drive and “work” from my classroom.

Me trying to work and stay awake

While this can work, I do have to focus to keep from falling asleep at my laptop. It’s a struggle. At home I’d have access to my coffee. Here, I only have access to sodas (if I have money) and water.

I miss my coffee.

Until then, I’m just going to use my empty classroom and put on some tunes. I have designs to make and posts to write.

And much to declutter on the website’s backend.

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